On 24 July 2021 Jaclyn Dunne made an inspirational speech in Trafalgar Square at the London freedom demonstration on '10 ways to make a stand against tyranny.' It was an absolute honour and privilege to have Jaclyn join me on my podcast to deep dive into each of these 10 things we can do. 'No more talking, take action' - it is time to make hay while the sun is shining.

Jaclyn chats through:

1. conscious consumerism

2. A Stand in the Park

3. Grow your own community resistance

4. Grow community support

5. Ditch the iphone

6. Home education

7. Reduce your toxic load

8. Be your own saviour

9. Raise your vibration

10. Stay in the light and play your part in creating the new world.

Links to some of the areas we discussed:

A Stand in the Park https://astandinthepark.org/

Clear Phone United https://www.clearunitedprivacyphone.com/

Awakened Pages Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1826373880865487/posts/1896274647208743/?comment_id=1896327383870136&notif_id=1628672280396726&ref=notif&notif_t=group_comment_follow

SOMA breathing http://www.namashaiyoga.com/services/breathwork

The Unschooling Homebook https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/247698.The_Unschooling_Handbook

Laugh, learn, play https://learnlaughplay.co.uk/

Alternative news resources







Music: Buddha by Kontekst https://soundcloud.com/kontekstmusic