Wheelchair Accessible Van Conversion with Cara Elizabeth Yar Khan hosted by Carden Wyckoff

Transcript https://rb.gy/pcolzy

Who is Cara Yar Khan?

Cara Elizabeth Yar Khan is an entrepreneurial humanitarian and disability advocate who has had an invigorating career, spanning ten countries, so far. In 2001, Cara embarked on her international travels to work in Ecuador with the United Nations World Food Programme where she served for two years as a Fundraising and Communications Officer. Her many years with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) started in Private Sector Partnerships. When she also took on the role of disability focal point during the Earthquake Emergency Recovery Operation in Haiti it launched a successful public speaking career. Cara has a masters degree from Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies which she pursued in Italy. She is gifted in languages, fluent in Spanish, conversational in basic Mandarin Chinese and has working knowledge of French and Portuguese. At the age of 30, Cara was diagnosed with a rare muscle wasting disease, called HIBM that leads to quadriplegia. Since then she has used her platform to break glass ceilings. As part of her advocacy work, she is also producing a documentary film with the legendary Sam Pollard and is writing her first memoir with Carol Mann Agency. Today Cara lives in Smyrna, GA with her husband, U.S. Army SSG. (Ret.) John Masters and Southern cat, Bubba and kitten Moon.



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Special thanks to my producer Jonathan Raz on Fiverr.com

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