Disability Rights Advocacy with world-class athlete Kristin Duquette led by host Carden Wyckoff

Transcript https://rb.gy/t2hrxu

Who is this girl boss and amazing woman?

Kristin Duquette is a globally-recognized disability rights advocate, former world-class athlete, and a political appointee in the Obama Administration. She is a five-time American Paralympic Record Holder, three-time Junior National Record Holder, and the former Captain of the U.S. Paralympic Swim Team for the 2010 Greek Open. 
In 2014, Kristin was named the global mentor for disability inclusion initiatives under the Clinton Global Initiative University and her analysis of United Nations disability policies have been archived in the Academic Council on the United Nations System. From December 2015 to March 2017, Kristin was the Confidential Assistant to the Chief of Staff for the National Endowment for the Arts under the Obama Administration. From December 2017 to July 2019 Kristin was appointed by D.C. Mayor Bowser as the Chair to the city’s first Multimodal Accessibility Advisory Council. She has been featured in Forbes and has shared innovative perspectives at the United Nations, the World Bank, the Parsons School of Design and has been interviewed on stage by former First Daughter, Chelsea Clinton. 
Kristin holds a B.A. in Human Rights from Trinity College and a Graduate Certification in Nonprofit Management from Harvard University. The Clinton Foundation listed Kristin as 1 of 12 people “who will inspire you to make a difference” along with Supreme Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Kristin is currently lives and works for the fed gov in Washington, D.C. 


Check out Kristin's media spotlights: Forbes, 100 Dreams Fund
Follow Carden on Instagram @cardenofmilk
Find Carden everywhere 

Special thanks to my producer Jonathan Raz on Fiverr
Episode image is Kristin looking off into the audience clapping her hands.