Deaf & Hard of Hearing Literacy Curriculum with Dr. Stacey Tucci led by host Carden Wyckoff


Who is Dr. Stacey Tucci?

Dr. Stacey Tucci’s experiences parenting her Deaf daughter forged the path for her work in the field of deaf education.
She began her career in Deaf Education as an elementary teacher where she taught students using a diverse range of communication modalities including Spoken English, American Sign Language, and sign-supported English.
Dr. Tucci received her Bachelor’s in Early Childhood Education and Special Education, her Master’s in Deaf Education, and her Doctorate in the Education of Students with Exceptionalities with a research focus in Intervention Studies in Deaf Education from Georgia State University (GSU).
During her time at GSU, Dr. Tucci worked as a Research Associate on two federally-funded (Institute of Education Sciences (IES) grants.
She is a co-author of and the lead trainer for Foundations for Literacy, an evidence-based, early literacy curriculum for young students who are Deaf and hard of hearing (DHH).
Dr. Tucci has presented her work and trained teachers at both national and international schools and conferences including sites across the United States as well as Ethiopia, Australia, Taiwan, Greece, France, Canada, and the UK.
Dr. Tucci is currently employed by the Georgia Department of Education State Schools Division and is the director of Georgia Pathway to Language and Literacy, a state-wide public-private coalition targeting language acquisition and literacy proficiency for children who are DHH.
Dr. Tucci currently oversees the implementation of recently passed legislation (OCGA 30-1-5) that ensures all children who are DHH are on a path to grade-level reading in the 3rd grade.


Check out Dr. Tucci's work: Foundations for Literacy
Foundations for Literacy YouTube Channel
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Special thanks to my producer Jonathan Raz on Fiverr

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