Bipolar and Self Care with Leigh Joy led by host Carden Wyckoff


Who is Leigh Joy?

    Leigh Joy  is an inspirational speaker, self-care consultant queen and wonder woman mother who helps individuals and organisations turn uncertainty into certainty, self-sabotage into self-care and adversity into triumph.

  • Her signature keynote, You’ve Gotta Nourish To Flourish was born out of her own challenges  as an alcoholic, drug addict and living with Bipolar. Today, she is a recovering alcoholic and drug addict and is 13 years sober and clean.

  • Her ‘phoenix rising out of the ashes’ story is inspiring, empowering and transformational and speaks to anyone who is facing their own personal crisis.

In this episode Leigh Joy and Carden talk about:

  • Leigh's story to understand why she is a self care coach today

  • The 4 types of bipolar and the type Leigh has

  • Mania, psychosis, depression and what it is like in each of those time periods

  • How Leigh has been able to regulate her bipolar to prevent manic episodes

Leigh Joy Inspires (Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin)
The Self-Care diaries on YouTube
Me 2.0 Real and Authentic podcast launching in October

Follow Carden on Instagram @freewheelinwithcarden
Find Carden everywhere
Special thanks to my producer Jonathan Raz on Fiverr

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