Of the many technologies and emotions that freelancers need to juggle, productivity is one that is so often talked about in the Freelance Heroes community. It comes up time and time again, since before the pandemic began, during (unsurprisingly), and it'll no doubt come up after. 

However, we know why we are freelancers and what work we need to do, so why do we struggle so much with being productive? How to try to avoid it before spending all day doing nothing? Do we procrastinate to put off doing what needs to be done, or is it our subconscious saying "Hold on, I haven't worked this out yet"? Is procrastination a form of stress relief?

All these questions, and many more, are discussed when Ed chatted with Grace Marshall, Productivity Ninja and author of "Struggle - The Surprising truth, beauty, and opportunity hiding in life's sh*ttier moments". 

Order your copy of the book here: StruggleTheBook.com