How do you fan the flame of creativity and keep going when doubt and fear are threatening to put it out? How do you find motivation when you don't know where you're going? What's the difference between motivation and a spark? What can I do to get myself motivated in the morning?

Motivation matters. But it’s also mysterious. We all know what it feels like to be driven to act, but we don’t always know why we feel that way. Nor do we always know what we can do about it? 

These questions, and more, are discussed when Ed meets Louise Harman, and aim to inject a heavy dose of motivation into your freelancing lives. 

About Louise Harman

Lou runs an online business support service for small businesses and entrepreneurs who are struggling to get things done due to lack of time or simple overwhelm. Lou has a team of VAs, each with their specialist area ranging from admin to digital design, marketing, content creation, and copywriting. Lou provides strategy sessions with clients and considers herself a pro sh*t sorter-outer. 

She loves helping people figure it all out and get cracking on whatever it is they’re putting off. She’ll force you to get out of your own way and get sh*t done, so be sure to contact her if you need some tough love and a helping hand.

Connect with Louise at