This week, we cover 3 key topics that affect all freelancers. It's all part of a new weekly Livestream called, "Thank Freelance it's Friday" in which Ed is joined by a guest to chat through the most popular topics that have been raised in the Freelance Heroes community.

The 3 questions that we answer in this podcast include:

What does it mean to be a freelancer?

Should Freelancers display prices on their website?

What is the impact of saying "No" to clients?

About Helen Hill

Helen Hill is a self-employed Digital Learning and Content Designer at Unlikely Genius Ltd.

Unlikely Genius is based on the principles of ensuring the user comes first, communicating in plain language, and making content available and accessible to all, living by the mantra 'The content you make is not for you'.

Being an eternal student who picks up new hobbies by the week, Helen fell into the eLearning industry by accident and found her place in the world – creating enjoyable learning for others.

She works as a contractor for eLearning agencies in the UK and Europe, plus has ongoing projects with the NHS, charities and a number of private sector clients in industries from health, to technology and media.

Helen lives in semi-rural West Yorkshire with the long-suffering Graham, and two extremely fluffy, diva rabbits Tiffin and Strudel.

You can connect with Helen via her website, by emailing [email protected], or on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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