Freelancing does have an image problem. This is why, across the Freelance Heroes community, we like to play our part on improving that and shout about the benefits of freelancers to many bigger businesses out there.

From time to time, as we have done previously with Coconut and Farilio, we like to talk to a business that truly understands the freelance community.

ContentCal is more than a content management tool used by many freelancers. Since its conception in 2016, it has also relied heavily on freelancers to help grow its business to where it is today.

So, what is it about the freelance community that it connects with? How employing freelancers has helped? How can freelancers be attractive to companies like ContentCal and successfully put themselves in front of those businesses? The best person to talk to for this is Andy Lambert. Director of Growth for ContentCal, and who has a lot of positives to talk about when it comes to the freelance community.