It’s another bonus episode! For #Veganuary I spoke to Lucy Watson (yes, THE Lucy Watson!) all about her vegan lifestyle and being a businesswoman in the spotlight.
Lucy – who you may well know from Made in Chelsea – runs several businesses, including a Vegan food company, Feed Me Vegan, and has a new book, Awakenings: A guide to living a vegan lifestyle. She explains how she came to be self-employed, why she loves it, and how a vegan lifestyle helps her mental health.
Is it harder to be an entrepreneur when the world - and media – are analysing your every move? Is it easier to be self-employed when you’re well known?
She talks about the parallels between the vegan lifestyle journey and freelance journey and how things often change and we need to adapt to the changes self-employed life brings.
Lucy started her vegan journey in 2015, having been pescatarian from the age of six. She is a PETA ambassador and animal rights campaigner. Lucy, who formerly featured in the BAFTA winning series, Made in Chelsea, is committed to animal activism. She encompasses this with everything she does including her two bestselling vegan cookbooks, Feed Me Vegan and Feed Me Vegan for All Occasions, as well as her vegan food range Feed Me Vegan.
Lucy also runs an ethical & sustainable jewellery range, Creature Jewellery, founded in 2014.
Find out more and buy the book via Amazon or all good online bookshops. Find Lucy's site at and follow her @lucywatson