He has worked in Post-Production for Hollywood blockbusters like @mortalkombatmovie, @peterrabbitmovie, Interceptor, @the_.great_gatsby and more. 


Not bad for someone who started out working at KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital @kkh.sg


Follow Daniel Le at


Crew Credits:


Host - 

Sean Li-wen Cheong https://www.instagram.com/itsmeslwcheong/

Loh Yen Lyng https://www.instagram.com/yenlyng/


Producer - 

Raven Lim https://www.instagram.com/heyitisraven/


Editor  - 

Ray Ng https://www.instagram.com/darksider_ray/


This episode was recorded on 13 October


#fceuncool #creativesatwork #singapore #movieedits #edit #postproduction #filmmaking #australia #sydney #mortalkombat #mortalkombatmovie #peterrabbit2 #interceptormovie #kkhsg 



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