Nadia Kashouh, is the founder of The Kash Method, a holistic women’s health coach, sought after speaker, a passionate encourager, and most importantly, a follower of Jesus.

After bartending for 10 years, Nadia realized that she was heading nowhere and heading there quickly. She made the decision to no longer be a victim of her circumstances, instead, became a victor of life.

Over the past 8 years, Nadia has committed to her health legacy and has helped women worldwide to do the same. She is extremely passionate about building women from the inside out. She believes when a woman is empowered, a generation is transformed. To empower women on how to build a health legacy that they are proud of and can pass down to generations. Fitness is not one size fits all and neither is movement. She believes we have to build a foundation of belief that is independent on our physical being, but from a conviction that’s from within.

Her goal is to share her testimony and encourage others to LOVE themselves where they are at, while believing in the goals and the dreams that they have and want to become. She believes women are way too hard on themselves and it's time to be intentional and change the narrative. She teachers her clients how to Unlearn toxic behaviors and thoughts and relearn how to love ourselves genuinely: spirit, mind and body.


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