Thank you for listening and supporting Lessons from the Screen and the Freedom Train Network.  Unfortunately, due to various issues, we are not able to provide an episode of Lessons from the Screen this week.  We look forward to bringing you more high quality content and we will be back next with with an episode focused on the current efforts to dismantle Obama Care and we will be following that up with an episode focused on the current happenings in Iran.  Thank you again for you [...]

Thank you for listening and supporting Lessons from the Screen and the Freedom Train Network.  Unfortunately, due to various issues, we are not able to provide an episode of Lessons from the Screen this week.  We look forward to bringing you more high quality content and we will be back next with with an episode focused on the current efforts to dismantle Obama Care and we will be following that up with an episode focused on the current happenings in Iran.  Thank you again for your support and we apologize again for not being able to provide content this week.  Do feel free to contact us or to listen to previous episodes and share them with your friends and family.