Thank you for Listening Please Share <\audio>2019 brought a lot back into focus.  It was like the throwback Thursday of the 2010s.  Beyond just bringing back ideologies, policies, and overt hostilities, it also brought back various diseases, one of which seems to make its rounds every year and roughly every 10 years in a really dangerous form.  We are talking about the coronavirus that is spreading rapidly across the globe.  In this episode of Lessons from the Screen, w [...]

Thank you for Listening Please Share <\audio>2019 brought a lot back into focus.  It was like the throwback Thursday of the 2010s.  Beyond just bringing back ideologies, policies, and overt hostilities, it also brought back various diseases, one of which seems to make its rounds every year and roughly every 10 years in a really dangerous form.  We are talking about the coronavirus that is spreading rapidly across the globe.  In this episode of Lessons from the Screen, we are going to be taking a look at the most modern form of the disease better known as SARS.  LftS Wuhan Coronavirus.mp3File Size:14534 kbFile Type:mp3Download File