Thank you for Listening Please Share <\audio>HR 6074: Corona AppropriationsHR 6201 Families First Corona​As Covid-19 continues to spread across the globe, things have ticked up here in America as well.  As of Friday the number of cases stood at 1629 with 41 deaths.  46 states and the District of Columbia have reported cases and over 1300 of those cases are still under investigation as to how the person got infected.  State governments have taken it upon themselves to start [...]

Thank you for Listening Please Share <\audio>HR 6074: Corona AppropriationsHR 6201 Families First Corona​As Covid-19 continues to spread across the globe, things have ticked up here in America as well.  As of Friday the number of cases stood at 1629 with 41 deaths.  46 states and the District of Columbia have reported cases and over 1300 of those cases are still under investigation as to how the person got infected.  State governments have taken it upon themselves to start ramping up their own healthcare toolkits in order to treat a growing crisis while the federal government up until recently was employing the I have a dream approach to the issue.  But after weeks of negative press, the federal government is finally beginning to wake up and move to support the efforts of local officials. The NBA has shut down, the NCAA has shut down, school districts and universities have closed, and caps on group sizes have been imposed across the country.  In this episode of Lessons from the Screen, we are going to be looking at the 2 pieces of legislation pushed by the federal government, some myths that are popping up, and our thoughts in general as we give another update on Covid-19.LftS COVID-19 Update.mp3File Size:50478 kbFile Type:mp3Download File