Thank you for Listening Please Share <\audio>​As the protest continues, I’m hoping everyone does their best to be safe while making their voices heard.  Regardless of how you feel about the movement, this particular movement is having a bigger impact than any of the other movements in the past few decades.  That is because lots of reports are starting to show the second wave of COVID that might end up causing the swell that overwhelms the American Medical System.  The nu [...]

Thank you for Listening Please Share <\audio>​As the protest continues, I’m hoping everyone does their best to be safe while making their voices heard.  Regardless of how you feel about the movement, this particular movement is having a bigger impact than any of the other movements in the past few decades.  That is because lots of reports are starting to show the second wave of COVID that might end up causing the swell that overwhelms the American Medical System.  The numbers were already creeping back up with states opening up prematurely as we now know, but these protests have potentially taken transmission to another level in a situation where people have simply not been protecting themselves.  To be clear I am not speaking against the protesters, I believe you can protest and be safe at the same time.  As has already been mentioned, the numbers were starting to rise before the protest began. But that’s why it’s important that in this episode we get back to the Cares Act with it’s $2 Trillion price tag.  In this episode of Lessons from the Screen we are getting into part 2 of the Education Provisions.  LftS 2 Trillion Dollars Pt 9 Education Provisions 2.mp3File Size:48053 kbFile Type:mp3Download FileThe StimulusEducational Provisions Pt 1Labor Provisions