Thank you for Listening Please Share <\audio>​There continues to be a lot to talk about regarding the world both involving and not involving Covid-19. The situation in Hong Kong is still an ongoing situation complicated in a lot of regards by Covid-19 (we talked about that in a previous show).  The president and his beef with the World Health Organization, politicians that don’t agree with him, state governors, and responsibility in general would all make individual shows on their [...]

Thank you for Listening Please Share <\audio>​There continues to be a lot to talk about regarding the world both involving and not involving Covid-19. The situation in Hong Kong is still an ongoing situation complicated in a lot of regards by Covid-19 (we talked about that in a previous show).  The president and his beef with the World Health Organization, politicians that don’t agree with him, state governors, and responsibility in general would all make individual shows on their own.  The narrative shifts about the source of Covid-19 and weaponized disinformation, the spread of Covid-19 (2.5M+ world wide with nearly 1M in America and nearly 200,000 deaths with 50K in America), the nursing home issues and the effects on the Black Community would  all also make for interesting shows in their own right.  We could also talk about the situation brewing in the middle east concerning the military strikes the US initiated in march or the fact that the stimulus set asides for small businesses have run out without reaching those most in need.  The debate over antimalarials has also taken interesting turns with new studies coming out showing that they more than double the chance of death.

Even with a second round of stimulus incoming and the effects of this stimulus starting to be shown through botched payments and failed systems, we have to continue to digest the most significant piece of legislation to come into law in recent memory and in terms of cost we could say one of the most significant ever.  So we are going to be continuing the second title of HR 748, the CARES Act, covering the stimulus, retirements, charitable contributions and more.The StimulusPrevious Show
Unemployment compensation
Business Tax CutsLftS 2 Trillion Dollars Pt 3 Stimulus & More.mp3File Size:31579 kbFile Type:mp3Download File