Thank you for Listening Please Share <\audio>​This week we are continuing our trek, but we are past the halfway point.  Hopefully, that is also true with regard to the presidency of Donald J. Trump.  Not only has COVID caused an end to the ever-growing streak of economic growth, but it also has seemingly disrupted Donald Trump’s ability to be impervious to any measures of accountability.  Iran has issued a warrant for his arrest regarding the drone attack months back tha [...]

Thank you for Listening Please Share <\audio>​This week we are continuing our trek, but we are past the halfway point.  Hopefully, that is also true with regard to the presidency of Donald J. Trump.  Not only has COVID caused an end to the ever-growing streak of economic growth, but it also has seemingly disrupted Donald Trump’s ability to be impervious to any measures of accountability.  Iran has issued a warrant for his arrest regarding the drone attack months back that killed Iranian General Soleimani, something that we talked about in a show dedicated to that incident when it happened.  Trump’s niece has published a book about Trump and her publishing company won the right to distribute it.  John Bolton has also finally published his book after several attempts to have it blocked by the White House.  His war on social media has also been taken up a notch as multiple platforms have taken down his post or issued corrections and fact-checking messages, meanwhile he has tried to repeal protections for social media and has threatened to take them down.  He has also stated that he is using his power to slow the rate of testing in America amid a growing surge of new COVID cases following states reopening and protest continuing. 

​The single-day record for new cases was broken twice by America last week with estimates that it’s going to continue to rise.  The protest themselves have turned a corner and have seemingly finished shedding their racial beginnings to now be the new version of the Occupy Movement, LGBT Rights, and Police Reform in general.  Not that I have a problem with any of those things, but it does mean that Black People are once again placed on the back burner.  All in all, it’s been a busy week, but let’s continue to get into our show in the 2 trillion dollar stimulus package.  The StimulusLabor ProvisionFinance Committee Pt. 22 Trillion Dollars Pt 11 Finance Committee.mp3File Size:47394 kbFile Type:mp3Download File