Thank you for Listening Please Share <\audio>The Beast is here!  Today we start our series looking into the largest stimulus package in American History.  For once Trump can say he signed the biggest bill into law in American History and not have the fact checkers start twitching.  As Covid-19 continues to spiral out of control here in the US, a 3rd bill has become law centered on getting the country through this intact.  We talked about the money in the last 2 laws, bo [...]

Thank you for Listening Please Share <\audio>The Beast is here!  Today we start our series looking into the largest stimulus package in American History.  For once Trump can say he signed the biggest bill into law in American History and not have the fact checkers start twitching.  As Covid-19 continues to spiral out of control here in the US, a 3rd bill has become law centered on getting the country through this intact.  We talked about the money in the last 2 laws, both of those pale in comparison to the $2 trillion dollars at work here.  But at more than 850 pages, there is a lot more going on than simply stimulating the economy.  At that is what we are going to be digging into.  In this episode of Lessons from the Screen, we are going to be looking at HR 748 aka the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act.    
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