Episode #10 is with Mai Temraz and Mihai Patru who are entrepreneur-in-residence at UCR. Mai is a full-bright scholar and leads Blackstone LaunchPad powered by Techstars at UCR and Mihai is the co-founder of the Caravanserai Project (https://www.caravanseraiproject.org/). 

Topics discussed in this episode include: 

1. The entrepreneurial backgrounds of both Mai and Mihai 

2. Startup resources at UCR 

3. Building a startup ecosystem in Riverside 

4. Detailing the Caravanserai Project and building a non-profit 

5. How businesses will change due to COVID-19 

6. Advice to entrepreneurs wanting to build a startup in college

Website: https://www.freelogicmedia.com/ 

Links to the different programs mentioned: 
Office of Technology Partnerships: https://techpartnerships.ucr.edu/ 
Blackstone LaunchPad powered by Techstars at UCR:  https://techpartnerships.ucr.edu/launchpad-ucr 
NSF I-Corps program: https://techpartnerships.ucr.edu/programs-services/entrepreneurship-support-epic/national-science-foundation-i-corps-program 

EPIC SBDC Upcoming opportunities: Social Innovation Virtual Pitching Competition (Open to all UCR students): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdpyYRmzWSGtfgwTttZXGoMihGNPqEFIyO9aU8a5i6Pq4SwRg/viewform 

LaunchPad's Virtual Startup Bootcamp, a 5 weeks webinar series and your first steps in your entrepreneurial journey: https://ucr.zoom.us/meeting/register/vJErc-qgrT0vuoTOFsU0hB_pBScJH9GriA 

Filmed and Produced By: Nick Saldivar Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nsaldivar95/ 
Website: https://www.victoriammedia.com/ Music: 

“Nesting" by Birocratic (http://www.birocratic.com) The songs used in this video were licensed via Birocratic License v05.2016. For info on how you can use this music in your project, check out http://www.birocratic.com/license-app. To download Birocratic’s 60+ song discography, visit http:// birocratic.bandcamp.com.