The second installment of the Presentation Episode, names, trains, and bad haircuts. 

Content Warnings - One self-harm mention - 31:38 - 32:14 

We kick this one off right the heck where we left off, digging in to names. Long names, short names, nicknames, nicknames of nicknames of nicknames...And then we take an emotional break to chatter about nonsense for a hot sec before falling back into hair. 

Out of Context Spoilers: Larry Culture // Beer Bottle Intervals // I Have a Nose Ring

Scarab Body Arts

Special thanks to: Leah Eve Corbett for logo design  // Zach Jackson for theme music composition  // Follow us on Facebook  // Twitter  //Instagram  // Spotify  // Find us online at Lit Match Productions //  Email the show

This is a Lit Match Production. 

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Disclaimer: The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the creators and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Lit Match Productions. 

This episode is not sponsored.

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