Why is it that we don't see more cybersecurity topics at fraud conferences? We do we rarely see, if at all, anti-fraud topics at cyber conferences? Are we not fighting a shared adversary that is either stealing money or data or both?

Join Lindsey Ivie and Matt Christensen, co-founders of the CyberCraft Summit which is a live, free virtual event held on October 1 & 2 2020 where we are bringing together these two amazing communities to give attendees up to 19 CPE credits.

Check it out and register free here: https://www.cybercraftsummit.com

If you want full access to all the presentations and ability to take up to 35 CPE credits in a self-study, self-paced online, mobile friendly platform, our podcast listeners get an exclusive 20% off discount here. Must purchase before the event to get this discount. 

We're covering topics such as:

OSINT - Open Source IntelligenceDark WebCar HacksCybersecurity 101Getting hired in these fieldsand much much more

Special thanks to two of our sponsors called out in this episode:

Bottega.tech - attendees will get 60 hours of coding for free
Investigators Toolbox - 5 attendees will get a 1 year subscription of the service at no cost.

Support the show (http://patreon.com/fraudnotfrog)