Previous Episode: Revivals Past & Present

This is a message with biblical content that builds a biblical perspective, with a biblical promise and a biblical result. It might cause the natural mind to simply say, “unreasonable, it doesn’t make sense at all.” Please give me a chance to lead you into a life-changing truth that will lift your spirit and bless you. This is no time believers to go into bunkers, no time to wail and moan over dark circumstance. This is a time to step up and believe God’s word is true and He is ready to work on your behalf.

Stepping up is my responsibility and stepping in is God’s responsibility. God can and will intervene, which means I should expect a turn-around, through God stepping in and exerting influence upon my circumstance by opening up new opportunities to see miracles and divine provision. God seeks to appear suddenly, step in powerfully, and interrupt my circumstances. Divine intervention for my life and finances. The context of a person stepping up for this message is Gen. 26 and the person is Isaac. We can follow his example in hard times.