This week on Franchise Today the 4th Annual Franchise Legal Series continues with a look at Data & Information. Lee Plave, co-founding partner at PlaveKoch PLC joins host, Paul Segreto as they explore questions many franchisors have about data and information in today's hi-tech world. Especially as these questions specifically relate to liability, consequences and penalties.
About Our Guest
Lee Plave is a co-founding partner of Plave Koch PLC, an entrepreneurial law firm in Reston, Virginia. He counsels franchisors and distributors, drafts and negotiates agreements for international and domestic transactions, and advises clients on all aspects of franchise and distribution law.
Lee also works with clients on how to apply technology in franchise and distribution systems, including social networking and social media issues, e commerce, data, and security policies, cybersquatting and domain name disputes, as well as cybersmear/complaint sites. He also represents clients before the Federal Trade Commission, where he began his career.
The International Franchise Association Educational Foundation recognized Lee as a “Certified Franchise Executive.” London-based Chambers & Partners, which publishes an internationally-respected client guide, ranks Lee as one of the leading franchise lawyers in the United States. Another London-based publication, Who's Who Legal, named Lee one of the global Top 10 franchise lawyers in The International Who's Who of Franchise Lawyers.
In 2012, Lee was appointed to serve as the Director of the International Division of the American Bar Association’s Forum on Franchising for 2012-14.