In the second series of 2013, Franchise Today host, Paul Segreto welcomes as his guest, The Franchise King, Joel Libava. The series, "Voices of Franchising" kicks off with Paul and Joel discussing franchising from the franchise candidate's perspective. Based upon his work with candidates and his recent publication, "Become a Franchise Owner", Joel shares unique insight, truly from the outside looking in.
About Our Guest
The Franchise King®, Joel Libava, is the author of Become A Franchise Owner! (Wiley Publishing). He’s on a mission to create a new generation of super-successful franchise owners. Joel provides much-needed advice to individuals interested in franchise ownership with his top-notch advisory services and to the masses via his award-winning franchise blog- . In addition, he works with a select number of franchisors, helping them boost their marketing efforts. Joel's newest project is the Franchise Biz Directory.  He’s on Twitter, constantly @FranchiseKing .