Many of us have a business idea or even a business dream. Taking those first few steps to make that a reality is scary and there are always people around that will question the risks you are taking. This can easily lead you to question yourself. Debbie Blacher faced this situation and moved ahead with her idea for providing wholesome food for school children. After spending years in corporate life feeling unfulfilled she is now happy and highly successful running her business that has grown into a profitable franchise. Listen in to hear her story and learn how you can take your idea and grow it into a successful franchise.


About Debbie

Debbie is a social entrepreneur passionate about changing the foods we eat.  As a busy mom herself, she decided to start with kids.  Debbie found that she had a need for quick and easy school lunches, but felt responsible for providing her kids with nutritious, wholesome foods. At the time, an option that combined the two simply did not exist. In 2007, Debbie founded Wholesome Tummies with the mission of making fresh, nutritious, and exciting foods available to every child, everywhere.

Show Highlights

Ø  How to take an idea and make it a reality

Ø  The importance of being customer driven

Ø  Why research is so important

Ø  First steps to becoming a franchise


Want to know more about Debbie and Wholesome Tummies?

WT Cafe


Episode Resources

Jim Collins Built To Last


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