“Everything starts with a vision.”


This episode is all about systems creation and integration. This is a key element to the success of any business. Joining me on this episode to share his expertise is Rick Day from Businessbyday.com. We will be diving right in and Rick will be sharing some amazing tips that you can start using today! Enjoy!


About Rick

“After I built and sold my second business for multiple millions of dollars, someone asked me an interesting question.  “What are you proudest of?”  After a moment of thought, I replied, “I’m proudest of the fact that I had a part in other peoples’ successes.  I truly enjoyed watching the people around me grow, accomplish, and achieve.”

Seriously, that’s why I’m here!  I have learned SO MUCH in 25+ years of starting, growing, downsizing, restructuring, and ultimately selling my businesses.  And I’m not done yet!  I am not retired.  I’m still putting these ideas to use today, and I’m continuing to teach, learn, and observe, and to help new businesses grow.  I am still the student as much as the teacher.  It’s my passion.  It’s what I do and it’s what I love.”


Show Highlights

Ø  Stepping back and looking at your business as a company

Ø  Developing procedures

Ø  Playing to your strengths and hiring to your weaknesses

Ø  Letting your company dictate the next best person to hire

Ø  Writing out your priorities


Episode Resources

Simon Sinek  Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action

Michael Gerber E-Myth Revisited

Greg McKeown Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less

Shane Snow Smart Cuts: How Hackers, Innovators, and Icons Accelerate Success

Jim Collins Good To Great: Why Some Companiees Make The Leap…And Others Don’t

$100 MBA


Want to know more about Rick?

[email protected]


Business By Day Podcast


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