In this episode of Fragmented, we talk to Hannes Dorfmann about using the Model View Intent (MVI) pattern for Android. The MVI pattern was sparked through cycle.js (for javascript). Hannes took this pattern and tried to adapt it to Android. This pattern has gained a lot of traction and interest in the Android community.

In this episode, he breaks down the pattern for us. He tells us how to implement it, how it helps with testing, the benefits of the pattern and some of the pitfalls. Recording this episode was riveting for us and we dive into some juicy technical details. Listen on!

Show Notes
About Hannes blog
The Context podcast

MV* patterns

André "Staltz" Medeiros
MVVM pattern
MVP pattern
KG - What i learnt using Presenter patterns
MVC by Trygve Reenskaug

MVI like patterns

Hannes series on MVI for Android (must read!) :

Reactive apps with MVI Part 1 - Model
Reactive apps with MVI Part 2 - View and Intent
Reactive apps with MVI Part 3 - State Reducer
Reactive apps with MVI Part 4 - Independent UI components
Reactive apps with MVI Part 5 - Debugging with Ease
Reactive apps with MVI Part 6 - Restoring state
Reactive apps with MVI Part 7 - Timing (Single live event problem)


Kategory - (Jorge)
Redux Saga - alternative side effect model for Redux apps
Redux Observable - AirBnB
Groupon Grux
Instacart LCE
The Journey of Android Engineers: Redux-ing UI Bugs by Christina Lee
Managing State with RxJava by Jake Wharton


Rollbar - special offer: Bootstrap plan free for 90 days
Rollbar open source library (alpha)


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@donnfelker and +DonnFelker
@kaushikgopal and +KaushikGopalIsMe

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