In this episode, Donn sits down with fellow Android GDE, Michael Bailey to cover 10 testing strategies to help you get your application under test and to make sure your testing environment is top notch. They start off with the basics and then progress further down the testing rabbit hole eventually covering topics like cloud-based testing labs, hermetic testing and much much more. This episode will help provide you with a blueprint of how to get your Android app under test and get you to a level where you can develop your app with confidence.

The Ten Tips

Use Espresso for functional/integration testing
Mock data and API endpoints to keep tests hermetic
Utilize JUnit JVM Tests and patterns for a fast dev cycle
Utilize a git branching strategy and utilize pull requests (PR's) for code reviews
Use CI to run the tests and provide constant feedback
Speed up testing and ease of testing with shell helpers and helper classes for testing
Cloud Testing Services
Mutation Testing
Thoughts on code coverage & value based testing
Don't let flaky tests linger

Show Notes

MockWebServer Course on Caster.IO
Git Branching Strategies Fragmented Episode
Firebase Test Lab
Xamarin Test Cloud
Amazon Device Farm
Genymotion Cloud
Mutation Testing
Pit Mutation Library
Michaels Podcast - Native Wheel House


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