This episode we welcome, Charu Pathni, an Indian expat living and working for a major car manufacturer in Germany. Charu is a very focused and energetic lady who has not only persevered, but also surpassed traditional roles held for women from her home nation.

Even though she hasn’t lived in every part of the world, Charu calls herself a world citizen because, in her words, “People are people and it doesn’t really matter where I come from or where my roots are from. Home is just where I can feel comfortable with the people around”.

Because of her optimistic and positive approach to living in her host nation, Charu’s overseas experience has allowed her to learn that she is a lot more adaptable than she thinks.


Website: Cube of Life

Article: Who is Charu?

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Facebook: Cube of Life

Twitter: Follow @Cube of Life

Quora: Charu-Pathni


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Thank you for listening to Four Seas One Family. We are all the same and at the same time uniquely different!

And, finally, please take a minute to leave us an honest review and rating on Apple Podcasts. They really help us out when it comes to the ranking of the show and my podcast team and I make it a point to read every single one of the reviews we get.

Thank you for listening to Four Seas One Family. Remember, we are all the same and at the same time uniquely different. Let us all take the time to learn a little more about one another because we have a lot more in common than we think.

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