Occasionally long-term expats get the urge to revisit places that were or remind them of their first overseas experience. This gives the expat a type of overseas homecoming which causes him or her to reflect on their overseas experience.

Many expats who have had the opportunity to revisit their old "stomping grounds" reminisce about the times when things were fresh, raw, new, unfamiliar or just simply confusing. These reflections causes an expat to see how much of their overseas experience allowed them to grow in ways unattainable by just living in their home nation alone.

These expats find themselves talking about how things used to be and how things have developed or, in some cases, regressed. But no matter which way the needle may have moved, a sense of something exotic still remains fresh in the air.

Today we sit down for a chat with long-term American expat, and fellow podcaster, Stephanie Fuccio. Stephanie has traveled to many places overseas and currently calls Shanghai, China home but this episode she drops by our studio in Taipei, Taiwan to share with us her experience in her first home in Asia Tainan, Taiwan.


Apple Podcast: Over There: A Living Elsewhere Exploration

Twitter: @stephfuccio

Youtube: Changing Scripts

Tumblr: stephfuccio

Instagram: stephfuccio


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