This episode is the second of two parts in which I speak with Heather about homeschooling special needs children. Find part one in Episode 25, then come back here to Episode 26 to hear the conclusion of my interview with Heather. 

During the episode, we discussed the following curricula and resources:

Classical Conversations - See Episode 17, Classical Conversations with Molly
Ortom Gillingham - help for the dyslexic 
Sounds Abound - Reading Resource  
Ronit Bird - author - Dyscalculia Toolkit
Explode The Code - Phonics work books (now, also available as an app)

Find Heather's Blog: - blog 
Follow her on Instagram: @to_sow_a_seed

Feel free to email her at: [email protected]

For more information about the Parent-Teacher Conference on April 18, 2020 go to