Adam talks with Ryan Carson, Founder of Carsonified about the “lessons learned” in creating their latest product, Think Vitamin Membership - the biggest being the need to rename the product and go through a re-branding process. In Q2 of 2011 Think Vitamin Membership will transition to the name “Level Up”, a better suited name and far more “tweetable”.

Adam talks with Ryan Carson, Founder of Carsonified about the “lessons learned” in creating their latest product, Think Vitamin Membership - the biggest being the need to rename the product and go through a re-branding process. In Q2 of 2011 Think Vitamin Membership will transition to the name “Level Up”, a better suited name and far more “tweetable”.

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Ryan Carson – Twitter, GitHub, WebsiteAdam Stacoviak – Mastodon, Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn, Website

Show Notes:

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