Owen interviews Sam LeFebre, an advertising expert and hobbyist cyclist who has created a gear bag that surpasses all other options on the market. Sam is a great example of how to successfully plan, test, and build a product business while never quitting your day job. Sam's advertising experience allowed him to build a large following online, which he successfully leveraged into a Kickstarter, which is live right now.

Go check out the Kickstarter, and the RIDE.PARC website.

Follow Parc on Instagram, and reach out to Sam directly at [email protected].

Also go check out Astronomic and see what they can do to help you achieve your next steps in your business!

Want to come on the show? Fill out a questionnaire, and learn more on our Medium page, or find us on Twitter, Instagram, and of course on Axon Pages. We hope to see you enter the forge soon!

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