On this week's show, we bring you the first half of a two-part series featuring some amazing speakers from the 2nd Annual Community Research Expo presented by Louisville's Root Cause Research Center on February 26, 2022. You'll hear the keynote speaker, Jerome Scott, a founding member of the League of Revolutionary Black Workers, who serves on Move to Amend's National Leadership Team, and on the National Planning Committee of the U.S. Social Forum. He is active in Grassroots Global Justice and other social justice movement organizations, including the League of Revolutionaries for a New America. He was a founding member and former director of Project South: Institute for the Elimination of Poverty & Genocide in Atlanta, GA. Jerome has also written numerous chapters and articles on race, class, movement building and the revolutionary process, and is a contributing editor to four popular education toolkits including The Roots of Terror and Today's Globalization. He was co-recipient of the American Sociological Association’s 2004 Award for the Public Understanding of Sociology.

More at https://www.rootcauseresearch.org/cre2022

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Truth to Power airs every Friday at 9pm, Saturday at 11am, and Sunday at 4pm on Louisville's Forward Radio 106.5fm and http://forwardradio.org