This week on Sustainability Now!, your host, Justin Mog, takes you on a deep dive into Louisville’s recent Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) for Cities certification at the Silver level from the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). Two guests who were intimately involved in the data gathering and reporting join us to discuss the meaning and implications of this rating: Sumedha Rao, LEED AP, Sustainability Specialist, Office of Advanced Planning and Sustainability, Louisville Metro Government (; and David Abell, USGBC's LEED for Cities manager who happens to also be a Louisville native (

Louisville's new LEED for Cities Silver certification was just announced in December 2022. We discuss what it tells us about Louisville’s sustainability strengths and where we need to go from here. Learn in what areas Louisville scored well, and where we need to make improvements. We also get a comparative perspective from David about what have other cities done well that we can emulate in Louisville.

Learn more at:

As always, our feature is followed by your community action calendar for the week, so get your calendars out and get ready to take action for sustainability NOW!

Sustainability Now! airs on Forward Radio, 106.5fm, WFMP-LP Louisville, every Monday at 6pm and repeats Tuesdays at 12am and 10am. Find us at

The music in this podcast is courtesy of the local band Appalatin and is used by permission. Explore their delightful music at