Did you know that you can help save the walrus? Mary M. WIlliams describes the 'Walrus from Space' project. And are 'Citizen Science' projects like this successful? Is the data collected accurate? Dave Robinson fills you in. Then hear how plants and agriculture have been shifting northward due to the changing climate. Finally, J. Scott Miller discusses recent statements by Kentucky Senator Rand Paul about climate change, and reviews some new findings.

Here is the link to the 'Walrus from Space' project: https://www.wwf.org.uk/learn/walrus-from-space. Thanks to EarthDate.org for granting permission to run their story on migrating plants: https://www.earthdate.org/node/112

‘Bench Talk: The Week in Science’ is a weekly program that airs on WFMP Louisville ‘Forward Radio’ 106.5 FM (forwardradio.org) every Monday at 7:30 pm, Tuesday at 11:30 am, and Wednesday at 7:30 am.

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