Mary Williams tells us about the new chapters in the missions of Mars' rovers Perseverance and InSight. Listen to the 'Sounds of Mars' compliments of NASA, and catch Leslie Moise's poem about Marsquakes. Rob Weber interviews Yvonne Garrison (Mason County High School, in Maysville, KY) about receiving the Outstanding Science Teacher Award from the central section of the National Association of Geoscience Teachers this year. Finally, J. Scott Miller tells us about the planets, stars, constellations and meteor showers to be seen in the night sky during the month of July, 2022.

Here is a link to the interview with Ms. Garrison:
Here is the link to the NASA video on the 'Sounds of Mars':

‘Bench Talk: The Week in Science’ is a weekly program that airs on WFMP Louisville ‘Forward Radio’ 106.5 FM ( every Monday at 7:30 pm, Tuesday at 11:30 am, and Wednesday at 7:30 am.

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