The subject of today's interview is something I'm super passionate about. On this podcast we're all about questioning our programming and conditioning and redefining ourselves, our beliefs, and our lives accordingly. Today's guest, Sean Croxton talked about success, not in terms of getting what you want, but rather, by focusing on what you're willing to give and who you're willing to become to get it. We covered moving through fear, doubt, and indecision, creating unlimited success (defined by you!) from the inside out, and letting go of the "us vs them" mentality. That last point is huge right now, as our social, media, and political climates are massively reinforcing "us vs them." We talked about how passions have seasons and he even dropped some brain science on us. This episode is straight forward, practical and super motivating. Enjoy!

About Sean Croxton:

Sean Croxton is an author, entrepreneur, and money mindset expert on a mission to teach 1 million people how to discover and develop the hidden powers lying dormant within.

A former personal trainer and health coach, Sean began his journey in 2007 when he founded Underground Wellness, one of the first health-based channels on YouTube. His “edu-taining” video content quickly gained popularity due to his unique ability to make complicated matters of health easy and fun for viewers to understand.

In 2008, he launched Underground Wellness Radio, a Top 20 iTunes health podcast featuring weekly interviews with experts, authors, and health practitioners. The program ran for 7 years, with 348 episodes on all things real food, clean living, and functional medicine.

Sean is the author of The Dark Side of Fat Loss: Lessons from the Underground. He is the originator of the popular JERF (Just Eat Real Food) brand. And he has hosted and produced seven online summit events, including The Thyroid Sessions, The Digestion Sessions, and The Depression Sessions.

In late 2015, Sean decided to step away from the health space in order to pursue his passion for personal development, dedicating himself to studying and teaching the timeless works of Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale, Bob Proctor, and other success writers.

His latest podcast, The Quote of The Day Show, features 5-10 minute clips from motivational and inspirational talks from the likes of Les Brown, Lisa Nichols, Tony Robbins, and more. You can catch a new episode of The Quote of The Day Show Monday thru Saturday on iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play.

In this episode, Sean shares:

1. Stepping out of the ego (identity) box
2. Allowing your job to be your investor instead of your enemy
3. You have to be something before you can do something (the opposite approach to success than most are taking)
