Jack LaPant, a farmer, lost over a million dollars in an 8-year legal battle because the Army arbitrarily enforced an environmental law it had no authority to enforce.

His huge loss is bad enough but why in the world is the Army even regulating agriculture in the first place? 


This week we have Tony Francois from the Pacific Legal Foundation talking to us about the intersection between agriculture and government. He shares his experiences as a veteran who was in West Germany during the fall of the Berlin wall and how that led him to his current role fighting against central planning and government overreach as a public interest lawyer. He also shares with us the story of Jack’s years long, frankly Orwellian, legal battle with the Army Corps of Engineers over his farmland in northern California. 


Read Jack’s story here: https://pacificlegal.org/why-is-the-army-regulating-farms/ 


You can read Tony’s bio here: https://pacificlegal.org/staff/tony-francois/ 


Learn more about the Pacific Legal Foundation’s work on their website. https://pacificlegal.org/ 


You can read Tony’s article in The Hill about the Army Corps of Engineers here: https://thehill.com/opinion/energy-environment/479799-the-army-corps-of-engineers-has-become-a-rogue-agency 


Learn more about Administrative Law from the Federalist Society’s No. 86 project


You can also buy Phillip Hamburger’s book, Is the Administrative State Unlawful on Amazon? 



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