Perhaps you are one of the millions of Americans who have
one or more signs and symptoms of low thyroid such as fatigue,
weight gain, dry skin, poor memory and focus, and depression.
Yet your doctor runs a basic thyroid test and tells you that all is
well. Things just do not seem to add up. There is a good chance
you do have a thyroid problem…but just not what your doctor thinks.

The frequency of thyroid disease in America is closer to 25% of the
American population! And there are so many signs and symptoms
that suggest possible hypothyroidism. In this episode we share those
signs and symptoms.

Guest: Guest: Dr Mark Stengler, NMD is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor.
Dr. Stengler received training in both conventional medicine and natural
alternatives. He has been in private practice for more than 26 years and
has helped tens of thousands with integrative medicine. He was voted
2021 Doctor of the Decade by the International Association of Top
Professionals. Dr. Stengler served on a medical advisory committee for
 the Yale University Complementary Medicine Outcomes Research Project.

Dr. Stengler is the author/co-author of more than 20 books including
the bestselling Prescription For Natural Cures, Outside The Box Cancer
Therapies, and Healing The Prostate. His most recent book is The Truth
About Leaky Gut. He has been published in several peer-reviewed
medical journals including The International Journal of Family & Community
 Medicine, Endocrinology & Metabolism International Journal, Journal of
Nutritional Health & Food Engineering, and Alternative Therapies in Health
and Medicine. In addition, Dr. Stengler writes weekly articles in his online
newsletter Dr. Stengler’s Health Breakthroughs.

Helpful article on Thyroid Issues 

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