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What would it be like to be the woman who stood up to Tony Robbins?

This is an exclusive and powerful interview with Nanine McCool, a 55 year old woman who challenged Tony Robbins and his views of the #MeToo movement in the midst of an Unleash the Power Within event in March of this year. Nanine shares her personal experience of standing in front of 12K people and how she found the "power within" to speak her mind and call out Tony Robbins on his views and how they are part of the problem facing women today in their quest for empowerment and gender equality.

As a long time follower and fan of Tony Robbins and as a #MeToo, I struggled with preparing for this interview and am grateful for the experience. What will you hear and learn in this show?

Why Nanine felt she had to be the one to stand up and speak.
The candidness and power a of woman that is no longer ashamed of being a victim of abuse and sexual harassment.
How she was feeling on the inside versus how the experience looked on the outside.
What Tony Robbins' shocked team members told her after the exchange.
The incredible claim from men that when the most qualified applicant for a job is an attractive woman, she is too big of risk to be hired.
Nanine's personal struggles on reinventing herself at Midlife and how this drew her to the event.
Discussion of if there is a male power elite that refuses to let go of it's patriarchal view of a woman's place in society.
How can we all work together to educate those that refuse accept an abused woman has a different viewpoint, and enable them to understand it is relevant?

This interview will change the way you view your own personal power. I hope that it keeps the conversation going about #MeToo, #TimesUp, and how we can integrate men and women together to work for a solution to empower women to speak without shame or hesitation. Never again should we be given a lesson by a powerful man that it's a woman's fault for being competent, qualified, and attractive. Women and men need to rise together to ensure that women are evaluated on their skills and ability, and not on the fact that men in power may find them sexually attractive. This needs to stop now.