Previous Episode: [AUDIO] Jerry Rosenblum
Next Episode: [AUDIO] Dr. Frank Lipman

It was such a privilege to meet and talk with Jennifer Dulski, Head of Groups and Community at Facebook. This Fierce leader blazed a path through Silicon Valley with both skill and compassion, from Yahoo to president of, to Facebook. Jen joins me to talk about her career, her mission, and to introduce her amazing new book, Purposeful: Are You a Manager or a Movement Starter?, which I find to be a must read!
According to Jen, managers accept the world as it is; movement starters push the boundaries to make it more just, compassionate, and even joyful. We all need to decide: Are we managers or movement starters?

Purposeful is a guidebook that will give you the steps on how you can turn your mission into a movement that creates change. Jen believes that anyone can spark change if they believe in the power of taking action, no matter where, or how small, they start. She believes in ordinary people doing extraordinary things. She believes in… “Why Not You? For more info on Purposeful, and to purchase the book click here:

Jen will inspire and motivate you to work through your fear and to embrace your ability to effect change in the world. Whether it's a baby step or building a team to create a movement, her stories and advice will change your inner world and help you find the leader and movement starter within!