For the grand finale of the first ever Forcepreneur CTO series, I have the one, the only, Mr. Charlie Isaacs.

If you are in the Salesforce ecosystem, you cannot miss Charlie. He is ever-present and always their to help the community. When he is not helping the ohana, he is busy helping Salesforce customers get the most out of the platform.

Charlie is a real OG when it comes to technology. He studied chip design and is a hardware guy at heart who moved to software because of circumstances. But this gave him a unique quality which was and is rare to have.

In this episode, you will learn, how Charlie works as an "Individual Contributor" on the big ship. His work not only includes helping customer get on the platform but also be on the pulse of latest technological innovations and see how they can be used within Salesforce. 

This is also the crux of his advice to young and existing CTO's. In order to be good at your job, a.) you need to know what's happening in the tech world and b.) you need to first try it out yourself to learn the inner workings of it, before you present it to your team and then your customers.

Further in the episode, we talked about the dissolution of the IoT cloud & Salesforce's blockchain plans. We also discussed the ingenuity of the community on the use of platform events which were actually built for IoT services.

In the end we talked about the importance of community. And Charlie, from everyone in the community, we want to thank you for your never-ending support.


This is Part IV of the CTO series sponsored by Proton Text.

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