I could not have asked for a better guest to start my show. Very few people embody the true entrepreneurial spirit like Reena Gupta.

She is a serial entrepreneur and this is her 5th venture. At Mom-relaunch, she is helping moms get back into the workforce. They are re-training (or upgrading) the moms who were on maternity leave, preparing them for the current job-market and then helping them get jobs. This is a Forcepreneur in true sense in my eyes.

Reena Gupta is the founder and CEO of Mom-relaunch

She talks about the importance of building a support system in-order for moms (or everyone for that matter) to have that peace of mind to focus on work. More importantly, she talks about time-management and the art of delegation in order to be successful at your workplace.

My big take away from the discussion was about networking and how it is an art. When going to meetings / networking events, we should not just focus on how it is beneficial for us, but also, how can we benefit someone else and pay it forward.

A successful networking event is not just where you benefit from someone else but also how can you help somebody in their journey and pay it forward. Come with the mindset that you are there to add value to the Ohana.

She talks about the power of the platform, where you do not have to convince a new customer about scalability / security as Salesforce handles that for you.