No YOU’VE got eye problems! No, not you, Kelly Marie Tran. You’re perfect. Charles Soule too. Both of you: don’t ever change. 

In Episode 56, hosts Alyce and Laura enjoy* another successful edition of Kenobi Watch™, take a small leap into the world of Marvel and catch up on the latest Star Wars news!

KENOBI WATCH. Is Ewan going to be in Andor? How? Why? When? Here? Why? Doesn’t matter, we’re here for it. (via The Illuminerdi)Speculating about Indira Varma’s rumored role in the Kenobi series (via Deadline)Marcia Lucas’ contributions to Lucasfilm projects, especially the Star Wars Original Trilogy (via*ck trolls. That’s all.We stan Kelly Marie Tran. She’s out here LIVING. HER. BEST. LIFE. and it sounds like she’s the best person and we just want to hug her (while masked). (NY Times, The Hollywood Reporter)There’s a new Thrawn Ascendancy: Greater Good excerpt on and our bodies are ready.Star Wars: Victory’s Price is out now! Have you started reading? Let us know what you think (but keep it spoiler free, please).This isn’t a Marvel/MCU show. But for a few minutes, we’re going to pretend. No spoilers for Wandavision.Recap on Tap! Laura finally finished Star Wars: Light of the Jedi so we can finally talk about it in all of its gilded glory! Light of the Jedi Spoilers from 40:15-58:15.A voicemail from friend of the show, Andrew Fantasia from the Rebel Scum Podcast Network, who does a strangely good Obi-wan impression, believe it or not.

Get involved in the conversation! What do you think about the Kenobi news? What books are you most looking forward to? Shoot us a tweet or send us an email and let us know!

Helpful links referenced in this episode:

Alyce and Laura on the February 28 episode of Podcast of the Whills on YouTubeJohn Rocha and Laura catch up on news on the most recent episode of The Jedi Way on YouTubeStar Wars #1 Contender Schmoedown match Laura Kelly vs Mollie Damon is now on YouTube so you can watch for free! Laura joins Andres Cabrera and Emmy Fyffe for Rebels talk on First Cut’s Sabaac the Block on February 23

Twitter: @forcetoastpod | @sLeiaAllDay | @ShutUp_Laura

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Email: [email protected]


*This podcast contains a sh!t ton of profanity and boozin. You can find a bleeped version of this podcast absolutely nowhere. Cheers!

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