Previous Episode: Ep 52: Secret Lobotomy
Next Episode: Ep 54: Toastalicious

Think of this podcast like Cher and cockroaches: it’s going to live forever. And until forever arrives, we’ve whipped up whatever this nonsense is for your listening pleasure!

In Episode 53, hosts Alyce and Laura are diving* into whatever Star Wars news they can scrounge up while relying on YOU to help us pass the time! Thank you to everyone who sent in prompts, questions and trivia during these slow news weeks! 

Katee Sackoff reveals some behind the scenes details to Kristian Harloff about her time filming The MandalorianLaura is putting on her tinfoil hat to speculate about new rumors regarding the live-action Ahsoka Tano series and the rumored animated Star Wars Rebels sequel series (via Kessel Run Transmissions) Alyce is LOVING The High Republic, you guys. She shares some non-spoilery thoughts about Claudia Gray’s upcoming High Republic novel, Star Wars: Into the Dark.Thank you to everyone who sent in questions on twitter and email during these slower news weeks! Which characters would we want in our squadron, Mandalorian predictions, Jedi as cocktails, what the hell is Spatchka, Star Wars reality shows and more!Thank you also to our amazing trivia writers this week: Larry, Davor from A Larger View of the Force and Eli from Star Wars: In a Galaxy!We’re throwing one question back to you, Legends fans! If you could tie in any stories from the old EU/Legends material set between the Original Trilogy/The Mandalorian and The Force Awakens, what story would you bring into the canon? Shoot us an email or DM and we’ll read your answers on the show!

Helpful links referenced in this episode:

Did you hear that Alyce was cast in Star Wars: Episode X? It’s true! Written by artificial intelligence, the Blue Bantha Milk Co. will gather their friends to do a live reading of Star Wars: Episode X on January 30 at 5pm CSTJohn Rocha and Laura were LIVE on YouTube on January 13 to discuss the legacy of Han Solo and revisit Solo: A Star Wars Story on The Jedi Way

Twitter: @forcetoastpod | @sLeiaAllDay | @ShutUp_Laura

Instagram: @forcetoastpod

Email: [email protected]


*This podcast contains a sh!t ton of profanity and boozin. You can find a bleeped version of this podcast absolutely nowhere. Cheers!

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