As we go on...

We remember...

All the times our moms made us cry at graduation DAMMIT MOM

It’s graduation season (see what we did up there?) and hosts Alyce and Laura are graduating* from… well, nothing. So why not crack open a Coors Light, do a half victory lap and have an indoor carnival or something? 

Some Schmodown talkVocabulary lessonsThe search is on for a live action Ezra Bridger! (allegedly)Excerpts from Queen’s Peril and Poe Dameron: Free FallThe new Thrawn trilogy will be here sooner than we thought and The High Republic gets pushed to 2021We react and analyze Dave Filoni’s monologue on The Phantom Menace and fatherhood in Star Wars from Disney Gallery’s The MandalorianOur favorite ships (not romance, like actual ships) in Star WarsMore trivia courtesy of Allen Voivod of Star Wars 7x7 (he’s so much better at writing questions than we are)Do you want to help Laura study up for the next round of the tournament? We could use some help with the crawls, prequels and The Clone Wars film! Send your best Star Wars trivia questions to [email protected]

Do you have a fun graduation story? Parties, ceremonies, speeches, something inspiring, something funny? Send us a message and we’ll share it on the show!

Helpful links referenced in this episode:

Alyce’s guest appearance on The Sith List

Alyce & Laura guest appearance on Pink Milk

Laura kills the lights in Round 1 of the Movie Trivia Schmoedown’s Star Wars tournament


Twitter: @forcetoastpod | @sLeiaAllDay | @ShutUp_Laura

Instagram: @forcetoastpod

Email: [email protected]


*This podcast contains a sh!t ton of profanity and boozin. You can find a bleeped version of this podcast absolutely nowhere. Cheers!

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