There are so many misconceptions about synthetic vitamins. The FDA likes to claim there is no difference between the synthetic vitamins they spray on "enriched foods" and the vitamin complexes found in our natural food sources.

This is complete bunk.

For decades now we've seen synthetic, isolated vitamins packaged into "take-one-a-day" vitamin supplements. It's absolutely HUGE business, because most of us can detect that our processed food diets are lacking in essential nutrition.

The problem is, we aren't solving the problem taking isolated synthetic vitamins; indeed you can even have vitamin toxicity if you aren't careful with these processed, "enriched" vitamin sources.

This goes to the heart of what we are all about at Forbidden Doctor. Only nutrition from whole foods or supplements derived from whole food concentrates can possibly replace or augment our nutritional profiles. Dr. Jack and Mary take us into the science of the vitamin complex and what it means to our health. Don't miss this videocast!