Jennifer…came to see me three months
ago. She was suffering from severe
abdominal pain and nausea. She was extremely jaundiced; even
the whites of her eyes were yellow. She came asking me about her
pancreatic cancer and what I could do about it. As she looked half
dead sitting in my office, there was little I could

First of all, I do not treat

I explained that to her, then I
tried to review everything she had done up to the present, what
doctors she had seen, imaging performed, therapies undertaken, etc.
It was hard to sit there and talk to her and not be alarmed at her

The word cachexia comes to mind
(emaciation, wasting away). She said she was through with all
medical intervention and they had sent her home to die. All I could
do was to offer some nutritional support to help ease her pain and
suffering. I explained when stem cell mutate they produce an enzyme
called malignanin which eats healthy tissue.

Her own pancreas produces an enzyme
called trypsin that STOPS malignin and another enzyme,
chymotrypsin, liquefies the tumor, and her own excretion
pathways would get the toxic dead debris out of her. I explained
how we had made a product that had these enzymes in it and a lot of
rebuilding and supporting herbs for the pancreas, since her own
pancreas was obviously not working well and producing these

She purchased a bottle of our
Longlife Energy Enzymes and left. I did not hear from her after
that as I supposed she had passed on. She came back into
the office a week ago all aglow and excited to be feeling so well.
The cachexia was gone.

The jaundice was gone.
Her eyes were not yellow anymore, but bright
white. The energy was back.

She was thrilled to show us how well
she was doing. The only thing she had started doing that was
different from before was our enzymes. Nothing else. NO
medical intervention. Mary and I are the creators of this
supplement and even we were stunned. Jennifer purchased four more
bottles, thanked us profusely, and left.

Wow ... our entire staff were
shocked at what we saw.

What really caught my eye with
this startling revelation in the visage of Jennifer, is that
it so clearly played upon my own fears regarding the explosion
of cancer in this country over the last several decades,
especially since Nixon declared war on cancer during
his administration.

Wouldn’t YOU want to know
about LEE Enzymes if your mother got

How many of us fear getting cancer?
Breast cancer is supposed to befall 1 in 7 women now, 1 in 8
two years ago. Prostate cancer gets all men eventually if they
live long enough. Are these numbers true? I hope they are not but I
feel they are. Though, it doesn’t really matter when
it strikes your family, does it?

I see the same thing happening
in other areas of our lives. This pattern of big government
getting on board on some great crusade … the war on cancer, the war
on drugs, the war on poverty, the war on AIDS, the war on terror,
there is even J. Edgar Hoover’s war on crime back in the 1930’s.
With all these losing wars we have lost the soul of war
itself with all these silly metaphors for something truly
horrible in and of itself, war.

But these patterns continue to
emerge when some new government backed “war” is used
by the various industry combines and complexes
to double down on the fear of our people and use their
wars for profit and gain. Jennifer makes me think of the war on
cancer that we are losing everyday.

We are still looking in the wrong
places…right now the big push is in the area of immunotherapy…build
the immune response of the body’s natural defenses to seek out and
kill cancer cells. Sounds good enough on the surface, but the
body’s immune system, in the guise of the natural killer
cell, the NK Cell, is already supposed to be doing that.
Why are the natural killer cells, and powerful enzymes like
Trypsin and Chymotrypsin, in cancer patients

I think part of what makes us human
is trying to solve the great dilemmas in our history on this
planet, while trying to make sense of why we are here, and the same
time, not lose our sense of mystery, novelty, and the unknown. We
see great civilizations come and go…the Babylonian Empire, then the
Medio-Persian Empire, then the Grecian Empire, the Roman Empire, I
could go on, but what came before the Babylonians?

They came out of nowhere with little
if anything, to suggest any empire preceded theirs, and yet they
had immense buildings, powerful armies, huge agricultural
developments, and artistic relics that today are

All these empires had doctors and
healers, magi and spiritualists, and their surviving records all
show the same pattern…food was their medicine, and a sick gut was
the cause of their diseases. These were the ruling masses in their
day on this planet, and yet with such overwhelming power that they
would wield over their subjects; they still used the gentlest of
all healing modalities, food, for their medicine.
** It is in their records,
their writings, their art, and their antiquities. Some of us make
fun of their approach to healing and regeneration as being
primitive or backward, and yet their own records testify it was to
the effectiveness of a nutritional approach to health as being the
only way that worked. 

** Here is
an example of NOT having gentleness with healing:  

“________ can lower your ability to fight infections,
including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, and
cancer’s, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver
and nervous system problems. Serious allergic reactions and new
or worsening heart failure. (!!!)

It works by targeting
and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that
contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. (!!!) It’s proven to
help relieve pain.

Doctor’s have been
prescribing ________
for 10

Like, that makes it

David Wolf says, “It is no
secret anymore that Big Pharma is (and has been) at war with
alternative medicine. Its modus operandi is to generate profit by
selling drugs that perpetuate a cycle of addiction and
dependency, rather than liberation and

So what
draws us to an alternate approach to health and healing? We can see
with our own eyes when something works and when it does not. Mary
and I have seen the marvelous advances in brain surgery with the
experience of our own son whose life was saved by a crisis
intervention using, anesthesia, emergency surgery by skilled
surgeons and at the same time, during his recovery in the hospital
over the next week, some of the most backward and essentially silly
approaches to nutrition that would make any thinking person blush
when the “nutrition center” in the hospital, featured such "modern
nutrition" as slushy’s, ice cream, sugar sweetened cereals,
commercial yogurts that are nothing more than soft ice cream, and
other offerings that belong in the candy section of the gift shop,
and not the nutrition center.

Mary and I were stunned by what are
eyes saw. So when we see marvelous changes happen in someone’s
life, when we see people who are dying return to life, when we learn about a friend that chose a
natural approach to their terminal disease and recovered and we
hear their exultant voices and the cheers of their families, we
know there is something more to health and healing other than drugs
and surgery. We can see it, we can hear it, we can smell it, we can
touch it, and we just know it there is a power inside our bodies
that transcends all descriptions and understanding.

This is the Forbidden Doctor. The
one inside you that uses all its resources to keep you alive and
well. But it needs help. It needs you to understand and listen to
your own senses and listen to what your body wants.

It isn’t easy believing something
outside the majority whim. It never is, until or unless you
experience something that changes your whole perspective of the
meaning of anything. Health, politics, money, war, sex, teenagers…
but when your eyes are opened to a new idea, a new construct, a new
paradigm, it’s "Katie Bar the Door!”

Nothing can stop you but yourself.
You are willing at that point to go and sell all you have to take a
chance on this new idea, this new insight. [Lierre Keith] So we
like this idea, and we dislike the other one. We believe this
doctor, but we can’t believe the other one anymore. We have certain
cultural trainings that limit what we can accept, even in the face
of undeniable truth.

What makes us believe what we
believe? Especially the things we have never studied, researched,
read a book about, discussed with opposing views, etc.? Why do we
believe, sometimes, things that others believe to be utter

Because our value is at stake. Our
value is tied to our image of perfection. This goes to the core of
our being. We will be “right” at all costs, even going to war, and
losing our sons to prove it. I suppose this is all a part of being
human, but let me ask you this…why is the American public spending
more and more money for their health care, outside of the
mainstream medical arena? Why is alternative health care getting
more of the American dollar than modern medicine, every year for
the past decade? Why do we see a proliferation of health food and
vitamin stores springing up everywhere? Because, obviously, they
work. People are awakening to the failure of the medical model of
"drugs for anything, drugs for everything"…. because an awakened
public is coming to the one truth that has straddled all of man’s
history, with empires and primitive tribes alike … food has always
been your best medicine. And now with the devitalization of our
commercial foods, the need for
supplementation is greater then ever before.
We have the ability as humans to have great belief
and trust. What we have said in this podcast has probably, never
been more relevant than it is now.

Trust your body. Believe your heart.
Your life depends on it.

- Dr. Jack and Mary

What You Will Hear:

[00:01:15] Forbidden secrets of the week
[00:04:45] Pancreatic cancer story
[00:21:45] The body cures itself
[00:23:10] Why do we keep seeing more kids that get
[00:26:00] The short history of medicine
[00:35:10] How to be the healer in your life
[00:41:10] Drugs for everything, drugs for anything
[00:48:05] You have to supplement to stay healthy


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Podcast on the Mysterious Deaths of Holistic